John Elliott (Los Angeles, established 2012, GQ Class of ’14)—When Elliott first participated in the program just two years ago, he was working out of an apartment with three other guys, and the quartet has since revolutionized menswear with their side zip hoodies and tapered sweatpants.
“One of the most incredible experiences of my life was going to the Gap near where I live in L.A. to look at my first GQ collection, and they didn’t have anything left,” reflects Elliott. He has since ascended to street wear-demigod status with his signature layered look, creating a style movement that is still gathering steam.
GQ’s Best New Menswear Designers in America project, which was established in 2007, works to advance and bring attention to emerging American menswear designers. The recognized designers were selected by GQ’s editor-in-chief, Jim Nelson, creative director Jim Moore, and the magazine’s fashion editors, and took part in a mentoring program led by GQ and Gap.
The John Elliot for The All-Stars Of BNMDA collection is available at Gap Stores and
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