GUAM, Mar 5, 1997/ FW/ — With the unqualified success of CKone, the first fragrance created for both men and women, Calvin Klein launched CKbe, another young perfume with the same target audience.
With Calvin Klein’s marketing genius, the launch of CK be was not a surprise. The targeted audience of CK one is fickle, with always a need to change, to experiment. With the launch of CK be, it was another choice, a new experiment, a change, hence, it is something familiar yet new.
Black and white, contradicting statements which are short and to the point. That’s the image of CK be. The window was created with that in mind. Very sparse, to the point, no frills and used the ad campaign slogans for identification. Just be, it said. Nothing more. nothing less.
DFS Galleria
1296 Pale San Vitores
Tumon, Guam 96911
(671) 646-9640/9641
Photos by MARI DAVIS
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