PARIS, May 29, 2013/ — The 22/4 label is based on the idea of redrawing the parameters which define and divide men’s / women’s wear.
A discreetly luxurious, gender-liberalizing style defines each collec@on, involving a reinterpreta@on of tradi@onal masculine tailoring techniques.
Driven by a desire for tradi@onal craC and quality, 22/4 creates its own modern luxury goods always with an accute aDen@on to minute details.
“Music and fashion follow certain universal norms, standards and regula@ons, both use exact measurements of math.”
Following this premise 22/4 is based on the simple mathema@cal equa@on 2 + 2 = 4.
22/4 is comprised of a very experienced and ambi@ous team of highly trained specialists working together with crea@ve director Stephanie Hahn.
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